It's not Just About Standing With Israel. It's About Standing With Humanity Regardless of Race, Religion or Creed

People keep asking me to speak out on the Israel terrorist attacks because I'm Jewish.  (For the record I did speak out about it almost instantly by the way) but it shouldn't matter that I'm Jewish.  


This is a basic human rights issue.  Everybody should be outraged.  It shouldn't matter what religion or race you are.   Anytime innocent men, women and children are brutally murdered, raped and kidnapped in broad daylight the entire world should be outraged.  Hamas once again proved that they are a terrorist organization that will never make peace with Israel or the West.  They are no different than Isis or Al Qaeda in that regard.  Unfortunately now Israel now has no choice but to defend themselves in the strongest way possible just like the United States would do if this happened on our soil.    


One thing I will say is that I've been shocked by the amount of people I've seen seemingly trying to do mental jumping jacks to justify these attacks.  Almost insinuating that these innocent people deserved to slaughtered because of what the State of Israel has done to Palestine over the years.   It sounds eerily similar to what Islamic extremists said after 9/11 when they celebrated flying planes into the Twin Towers.  "Well the United States had it coming for years of aggression…"  Listen I understand that the politics in the Middle East are wildly complicated.  I don't pretend to have answers or think that Israel is a perfect state.  But I do firmly believe the goal of almost all civilians in the region on both sides is to live in peace with each other.   Clearly the goal of Hamas is the opposite.  They knew this attack would serve no political purpose other than continuing to increase hatred, mistrust and death on both sides. If you can't condemn this barbaric and unprecedented act regardless of your political views than you are part of the problem.    

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